I've created this web site as a way to communicate with family and friends. Some of my ramblings are accessible to the general public, but most personal information is accessible only to those with a valid login account. Contact me if you would like to be able to access this information.

So far, I have added a section on our family tree. Most of the information on the Eaglesham family is the work of Beth Cumming. The amount of data compiled and passed on to me is amazing. I'm in the process of adding to this data, as I learn about genealogy. If anyone has information to add, please forward it to me.

Also in the works is a Photo Gallery where we will share a few of our favourite pictures. Again, this is only accesible to those with a login account. If there is a picture you would like a copy of, let us know. Most pictures in the gallery have been "reduced" so they don't take up so much space on the web site, and so they don't take so long to download.